lunedì 31 luglio 2017

Artificial Intelligence: a bet into the future

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Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial.

I chose this phrase of  Max Tegmark, President of the Future of Life Institute, to begin this short Post of mine.

The artificial intelligence is now at the beginning of its exponential growth. Its pervasiveness requires that its potential should be known by everybody, and that its use should be governed by ethical laws.
What AI technology basically is? AI was founded on the claim that it is possible to create technology that allows computers and machines to function in an intelligent manner by simulating or creating new intelligence. 

Despite that simple definition there is no established paradigm that guides AI research and scientists disagree even today about if AI should simulate natural intelligence or to take different paths.
One of the most accepted approach is that of dividing AI into three main chapters: computational psychology, computational philosophy and computer science, where computational psychology is used to make computer programs that mimic human behavior, computational philosophy is used to develop an adaptive, free-flowing computer mind and computer science serves the goal of creating computers that can perform tasks that only people could previously accomplish.

In this Blog I will add soon many other artificial intelligence news

lunedì 17 luglio 2017

AI, nessuno potrà starne fuori

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Di AI (Artificial Intelligence) se ne parla ovunque e molte volte a sproposito o per creare paure ingiustificate. Come in tutte le cose di questo mondo e particolarmente quando si tratta di sviluppi tecnologici la cosa fondamentale è capire cosa sta succedendo. Il pessimismo e l'ottimimismo sono fuori luogo. La soluzione, come sempre, è conoscere. L'avvento del motore, del treno, del telefono e persino il remotissimo controllo del fuoco da parte dell'uomo hanno portato paure e progresso. Così come alla fine del secolo scorso si parlava  molto del "digital divide" e poi tutti noi il digitale oggi lo stiamo proficuamente utilizzando, ora dobbiamo evitare lo "AI divide". Conoscere significa imparare ed imparare significa informarsi in modo approfondito. A questo fine riporto qui di seguito dei link utili.

Understanding Machine Learning.
Third Space Learning. Esempio di servizio d’insegnamento della matematica per bambini ottimizzato con l’inmpiego di AI (UK).
Quantum Machine Learning Accelerator HotBed for AI and ML.
Inspecting Algorithms for Bias.
IBM’s AI Ambitions.
HP New Machine Learning Service Offering.
Google’s Latest AI Platform.
Google’s New AI better than Engineers.
Inside Facebook’s AI Machine.
AI Will Make our Jobs Less Mundane.
Online Tutors and AI Future of Teaching?
AI Automate Sales.