lunedì 4 settembre 2023


Seven lessons in nine eBooks for a TOTAL of 63 LESSONS covering the necessary knowledge in the field of technology for high school students.

Following are the links to all the technology books I have recently published.

EINSTEIN,SPECIAL RELATIVITY. Semi-popular with 16 biographies of scientists.

EINSTEIN,GENERAL RELATIVITY. With scientific notations and fundamental topics for physics.


CHIP: A COPERNICAN REVOLUTION. 200 pages, Facts, people, and data, leading to the current chip war.

ENERGY, EVERYTHING TO KNOW. Consumption, electric cars, hydroelectric plants, coal-fired, oil, gas, nuclear, geothermal, wind, fusion.

ENERGY AND CLIMATE. Global warming. Changes, COP25 and COP26, Atmosphere function, climate in the past, seas, homo sapiens.

EINSTEIN, SPECIAL RELATIVITY. Semi-popular with 16 biographies of scientists.

EINSTEIN, GENERAL RELATIVITY. With scientific notations and fundamental topics for physics.

QUANTUM MECHANICS WORLD. From Planck's Quantum to Higgs Boson, Atomic Physics, Superposition Entanglement, Standard Model, String Theory, quantum biology.

QUANTUM COMPUTING WORLD. Qubits, Logic Gate, Annealer, Adiabatic, NISQ, Entanglement, Superposition, Algorithms, Supremacy, Semantic,

MICROCHIP WORLD. Semiconductors for all explained my life with Silicon Valley pioneers.

MY INTEL STORY. Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore. International marketing, semiconductor, microchip, Silicon Valley, technology electronics, ... business adventures.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WORLD. The foundations, artificial intelligence in business, ethical artificial intelligence, industry 4.0, history of artificial.

ASTROPHYSICS.  From the Big Bang to Black Holes. From physics to astrophysics. Neutron Stars. Cosmic Microwave Background. Gravitational Waves. Hypernova. 

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